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越来越多的小伙伴选择报考翻译硕士,顾名思义,翻译硕士的翻译基础一定不可缺少。以下是中公考研小编为大家整理的"双语听两会:两会首场“部长通道”开启"的相关内容,希望对考研的同学有所帮助,一起来看看吧! 翻译硕士双语听两会:两会首场“部长通道”开启 Sun Shaocheng, China's minister of veterans affairs. [Photo/Xinhua] 退役军人事务部部长孙绍骋:《退役军人保障法》将提交全国人大常委会审议 A draft law on supporting veterans is expected to be submitted to the top legislature for reading in the second half of this year, Sun Shaocheng, China's minister of veterans affairs, said. 退役军人事务部部长孙绍骋说,《退役军人保障法》今年下半年将提交全国人大常委会审议。 The making of the draft law began in April 2018 and opinions and suggestions from various government departments and military units have been solicited. If everything goes well, it will be delivered to the National People's Congress Standing Committee for review in the latter half of the year, he said. 孙绍骋说,这些法规文件从去年4月份开始调研论证、起草文稿,反复征求中央国家机关、地方党委政府、业务部门和军队有关方面的意见。如果进展顺利,《退役军人保障法》今年下半年可以提交全国人大常委会审议。 Sun said the legislation for a total of 11 laws and regulations, as well as 17 policies that concern veteran affairs, has started or will soon start. 孙绍骋说,今年,我们将着手制定与退役军人有关的11部法规和17个政策文件。 Liu Yuzhu, director of the National Cultural Heritage Administration and a national political adviser. [Photo/Xinhua] 国家文物局局长刘玉珠:博物馆首先是文化遗产的机构,文物安全和文物保护不能有任何的弱化和松懈 The role of museums as cultural heritage institutions tasked with securing and preserving cultural relics cannot be weakened, said Liu Yuzhu, director of the National Cultural Heritage Administration and a national political adviser on Sunday. 国家文物局局长刘玉珠3月3日说,因为博物馆首先是文化遗产的机构,它的文物安全、文物保护是第一位的,在这一点上不能有任何的弱化和松懈。 He stressed that Chinese museums, especially those built on ruins or around ancient architecture, should stay the course. 他强调指出,要加强中国遗址类博物馆和古建筑为主体的博物馆的文物安全和文物保护。 Liu described Chinese museums as currently enduring "growing pains", adding that the country's museums are tackling capacity limitations amid booming demand. 刘玉珠说,现在博物馆处于“成长期的烦恼”,社会需求比较大,博物馆也在增加接待能力。 He pointed out that museums should maintain a level of elegance and not devolve into vulgar market fairs and commonplace entertainment venues so as to elevate the cultural IQ of the general public. 他指出,博物馆高雅而不深奥,亲和但不媚俗,它不是一般的庙会、集市,也不是娱乐场所,它应该是高尚社会风气展示和引导的场所。